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Scaleway Service Provider

The following instructions will cost you money. Please remember to turn off your VPS when you are done

  • The following is a step-by-step guide to installing DocNow in Scaleway. The instructions use terminology for macOS. You should be able to follow these instructions without prior experience with AWS or macOS Terminal, but if this is your first time administering an application, fair warning! This may take up to 2 hours to install.

Ansible will be used to configure the Virtual Private Server you will be setting up on Scaleway This server will host the DocNow App.

You will need a Programmers Editors like Microsoft's VSCode to make edits below

Start by opening the Terminal application on your Mac in Applications/Utilities This can be also found by typing terminal' in Spotlight.

Install Homebrew by copying the following into your Terminal:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

This will take a few minutes

Then copy the following into your Terminal:

git -C /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core fetch --unshallow

This will take a few minutes

Then install Ansible by copying the following into your Terminal:

brew install ansible

Now your computer has the tools it needs to interface with Scaleway. * You will need to create ssh-keys

Configure your account

Create your Virtual Machine

  • Create your Virtual Private Server
  • Select either Ubuntu (Bionic) or Centos (7.6)
  • Select France or Amsterdam
  • Select a Development Instance (We've tested heavily with the 23.99/month one)
  • This is optional but create an easy to identify name and tags. This is only important if you create more than one or need to audit later.
  • Click Create.
  • You will need to use the contents of Public IP on your docnow-ansible/hosts under the [scaleway] block.
  • Take note of your Public DNS as this will be the URL of your fully configured application

Launch your application

  • From the cloned repository make sure you have the following information updated on docnow-ansible/group_vars/scaleway/vars.yml.
  • You have your_ssh_rsa_public_key: with the contents of your public key
  • You have organization_id: with your organization id
  • You have scw_api_key: with your generated scaleway api key
  • Make a copy of docnow-ansible/hosts.example and name the new file hosts
  • Enter the Public IP to replace the

You are now ready to launch your docnow application. From the docnow-ansible directory run the following:

ansible-playbook playbooks/scaleway_deploy.yml
  • It takes approximately 10 minutes to completely set up your application.

Advanced Use

Make sure you have your ssh-keys and have generated an Scaleway API Key.

ansible-playbook -i plugins/scaleway_inventory.yml playbooks/scaleway_deploy.yml